Introduction - Charge Classifier

The Charge Classifier service is a web API that allows an integrator to submit a charge to Convergence Research for classification using a machine-learning algorithm developed from the vast collection of classified charges housed internally. It is trained daily by the Convergence Research staff and models are re-built nightly.

The web API uses a Json Web Token method for authentication and accepts input/output in both XML and JSON. Once issued, tokens have a 24 hour validity period. The following is an example workflow of a classification request:


Although the models are re-built nightly, this should not result in an interuption of service. However, we reserve the following times for maintenance:

  • Nightly - Monday-Friday 12:30AM to 12:45AM EST
  • Weekly - Sunday 12:30AM to 1:30AM


Support is available M-F from 8:00AM to 5:00PM for non-critical issues using the following contact information:

NOTE: If your issue is critical and is impacting production, please use to open a support ticket.

Request/Response Formats and Status Codes

The API will recognize both XML and JSON for requests and responses. NOTE: Although very similar, there are slight differences in casing and word separation between the two formats. Please be sure to consult the object definitions.

Http Status Codes

Http Status codes are used to communicate the success or failure of any operation. The following status codes can be returned by the service:

  • 200 OK The operation succeeded and, if a response is expected, it will be found in the response body
  • 202 Accepted The request passed validation but the ML learning model is being re-built. This only occurs if the model is being replaced on the web server. The request will not process and will need to be re-submitted.
  • 400 Bad Request Something is incorrect with the request. The request could be missing required fields or the http method might not be appropriate. Consult the documentation. The http response text will have the reason as to why the request was rejected.
  • 401 Unauthorized The JWT token is missing or invalid. Re-request a new token and attach it to the 'Authorization Bearer' header
  • 500 Internal Server Error The request failed and the reason is indeterminate. Please contact support.
  • 503 Service Unavailable There is an unexpected problem with the service concerning the ML model that wouldn't allow it to start. Please contact support.

Request/Response Format

The API uses content negotiation to determine whether json or xml is returned from an API call. If the format is not specified, JSON is the default response format.

The Content-type and Accept Http headers are what content negotiation uses to parse requests and serialize responses to the http content stream. NOTE: You can mix and match the Accept and Content-type if you want a different response format from the request and vice-versa.

Here are some examples of using the Http request headers to dictate the format:

Http Headers - JSON Request expecting a JSON response
        Content-type: application/json
        Accept: application/json                                             
        Content-Length: 54
Http Headers - XML Request expecting a XML response
        Content-type: application/xml
        Accept: application/xml                                             
        Content-Length: 54
Http Headers - XML Request expecting a JSON response
        Content-type: application/xml
        Accept: application/json                                             
        Content-Length: 54

API Methods Available

All API method calls are to be made over https/ssl with the appropriate http verb. If you receive a 404 Not Found http response, be sure to check that the verb is correct.


Description: This method is token request that issues integrators an API token valid for 24 hours.
Url: api/classifier/requestjwttoken
Http Verb: POST
Request Object: TokenRequest
Response Object JwtSecurityToken
Possible Status Codes:
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 200 OK
Remarks: The response token MUST be attached as the Authorization Bearer header in all subsequent requests. The token is valid for 24 hours from issuance.
Example Request:
        POST HTTP/1.1
        Content-Length: 77
        Content-Type: application/json
        Accept: application/json

        apiname: "chargeclassifier",
        key: "HG567JQ3344565BG45XC"
Example Response:
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:50:30 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 399



Description: This method provides status information about the API and can be used to check the status of the ML model.
Url: api/classifier/checkstatus
Http Verb: GET
Request Object: N/A
Response Object: StatusResponse
Possible Status Codes:
  • 200 OK
  • 202 Accepted
  • 503 Service Unavailable
  • 500 Internal Server Error
Remarks: Any response besides a 200 OK means the service is unavailable. A 202 Accepted response means to try again shortly as the model is being built.
Example Request:
        GET HTTP/1.1
        Content-Length: 0
        Content-Type: application/json
        Accept: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBUE
Example Response
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:07:33 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 48

        {"status":"Ready","message":"Service is ready."}


Description: The method will return the current stop words the API uses to format incoming text. This list is maintained by Convergence Research.
Url: api/classifier/getstopwords
Http Verb: GET
Request Object: N/A
Response Object: Array of string
Possible Status Codes:
  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
Remarks: The response object is a list of strings
Example Request:
        GET HTTP/1.1
        Content-Length: 0
        Content-Type: application/json
        Accept: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBUEl
Example Response:
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:28:29 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 6708



Description: This method provides information about the defined categories as well overall statistics regarding macro/micro accuracy, log loss and reduction.
Url: api/classifier/categoryinfo
Http Verb: GET
Request Object: N/A
Response Object: CategoryDetails
Possible Status Codes:
  • 200 OK
  • 500 Internal Server Error
Remarks: The statistics also provide a list of the category names/ids. This is useful if you need to filter the categories to only the ones you are interested in when making a request.
Example Request:
        GET HTTP/1.1
        Content-Length: 0
        Content-Type: application/json
        Accept: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBUElLZXlJRCI6IjEiL
Example Response:
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 20:53:20 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 13132

        "timestamp": "2020-03-03T15:53:21.0770524-05:00",
        "allstatistics": {
        "macroaccuracy": "95.9010%",
        "microaccuracy": "97.0800%",
        "logloss": "11.3987%",
        "logreduction": "88.2067%"
        "categories": [{
        "categoryid": 88,
        "name": "Sex Offenses",
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "traincount": 55,
        "status": "Ready",
        "trainingstarted": "2020-03-02T13:07:19.2653021-05:00",
        "trainingfinished": "2020-03-02T13:07:43.2176393-05:00",
        "statistics": {
        "macroaccuracy": "93.2840%",
        "microaccuracy": "97.7646%",
        "logloss": "7.1462%",
        "logreduction": "89.7724%"
        }, {
        "categoryid": 92,
        "name": "Bad Checks",
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "traincount": 263,
        "status": "Ready",
        "trainingstarted": "2020-03-02T13:07:19.3492991-05:00",
        "trainingfinished": "2020-03-02T13:07:43.1626447-05:00",
        "statistics": {
        "macroaccuracy": "97.6411%",
        "microaccuracy": "97.7936%",
        "logloss": "7.4359%",
        "logreduction": "90.0014%"
        ......snipped for brevity ....


Description: If there are terms you would like to be classified for future results, you can submit them through this method and they will be examined and trained.
Url: api/classifier/trainingrequest
Http Verb: POST
Request Object: TrainingRequest
Response Object: TrainingResponse
Possible Status Codes:
  • 200 OK
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 500 Internal Server Error
Remarks: The amount of items that can be submitted is based on how many requests you've made in the last 30 days at a 1-to-10 ratio. For example, if you've submitted 500 requests in the last 30 days, you can request training on 50 items. Items must be distinct. If you've already submitted an item for training and you resubmit it, it will reflect a status of 'AlreadyQueued' in the response object.
Example Request:
        POST HTTP/1.1
        Content-type: application/json
        Accept: application/json
        Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBUElL
        Content-Length: 54

        "charges": [
        "drunk and disorderly"
Example Response:
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 13:56:07 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 117

        {"items":[{"status":"Accepted","timestamp":"2020-02-27T08:56:00.2643718-05:00","chargetext":"drunk and disorderly"}]}


Description: This method performs the classification on the source text you submit and returns the categor(ies) that match.
Url: api/classifier/criminal
Http Verb: POST
Request Object: ClassifierRequest
Response Object: ClassifierResponse
Possible Status Codes:
  • 200 OK
  • 202 Accepted
  • 400 Bad Request
  • 500 Internal Server Error
Remarks: If the model is being re-built at the time of the call, you could receive a 202 response. You should re-submit the request and it should succeed. This only occurs during the maintenance window of 12:15 AM EST to 12:25 AM.
Example Request:
         POST HTTP/1.1
         Content-type: application/json
         Accept: application/json
         Content-Length: 74
         Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBUElLZXlJRCI6IjEiLCJodHRwOi8vc2

         "sourcetext": "Drunk in public",
         "requiredconfidence": 0.95
Example Response:
        HTTP/1.1 200 OK
        Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2020 21:24:19 GMT
        Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        Server: Kestrel
        Content-Length: 3827

        "timestamp": "2020-03-03T16:24:16.688107-05:00",
        "classifications": [{
        "term": "Drunk in public",
        "predictions": ["All Other Offenses", "Drunkeness"],
        "categories": [{
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "category": "Drunkeness",
        "ismatch": true,
        "score": "99.99%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "category": "All Other Offenses",
        "ismatch": true,
        "score": "98.31%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Society"],
        "category": "Drug/Narcotic Offenses",
        "ismatch": false,
        "score": "3.01%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "category": "Liquor Law Violations",
        "ismatch": false,
        "score": "22.51%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "category": "Driving Under the Influence",
        "ismatch": false,
        "score": "1.21%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "category": "Kidnapping/Abduction",
        "ismatch": false,
        "score": "0.01%"
        }, {
        "crimeagainst": ["Society"],
        "category": "Animal Cruelty",
        "ismatch": false,
        "score": "0.01%"

        ...snipped for brevity ...


Object Definitions

All objects are serializable as both xml and json. Examples of each object can be downloaded for review. NOTE: TokenResponse is never returned as xml regardless of the value of your Accept header. Since TokenResponse is a Json Web Token it is always returned as JSON


The TokenRequest method issues Json Web Tokens to authenticated clients.

XML Example
JSON Example
    "apiname": "chargeclassifier",
    "key": "E85B37C58958DA46AF0C487598596"

Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
ApiName string api-name apiname This required field is always the static string chargeclassifier
Key string key key Your api key value is provided when your account is established


This is a JSON-only object returned from a successfull call to RequestJWTToken

XML Example
Not available as XML
JSON Example
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
token string N/A token This value is attached as your Authentication Bearer http header


The object is the result of the call to CheckStatus

XML Example
        <message>Service is ready.</message>
JSON Example
        {"status":"Ready","message":"Service is ready."}
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
ServiceStatus enumeration see Comments status status One of the following values:
  • Stopped
  • Building
  • Ready
  • Faulted
Message string message message Describes the ServiceStatus in more detail


The object returned from a call to CategoryInfo. This object contains the statistics

XML Example
        <categories />
JSON Example
        "timestamp": "2020-03-03T15:53:21.0770524-05:00",
        "allstatistics": {
        "macroaccuracy": "95.9010%",
        "microaccuracy": "97.0800%",
        "logloss": "11.3987%",
        "logreduction": "88.2067%"
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
Timestamp Date/Time timestamp timestamp Informs caller as to when the statistics were generated
AllStatistics object see Comments all-statistics allstatistics This object is a weighted average of all the categories' combined statistics. The following statistics are included:
  • macro accuracy
  • micro accuracy
  • log loss
  • log loss reduction
All statistics are represented as percentages to 4 decimal places
Categories Array of CategoryDetail categories categories This array of CategoryDetail objects contains every distinct category the learning machine uses


The individual statistics and training information for a specific category.

XML Example
        <name>Homicide Offenses</name>
JSON Example
        "categoryid": 80,
        "name": "Homicide Offenses",
        "crimeagainst": ["Person"],
        "traincount": 142,
        "status": "Ready",
        "trainingstarted": "2020-03-02T14:49:52.6852168-05:00",
        "trainingfinished": "2020-03-02T14:50:16.3838342-05:00",
        "statistics": {
        "macroaccuracy": "97.0674%",
        "microaccuracy": "97.8982%",
        "logloss": "6.6123%",
        "logreduction": "90.9055%"
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
CategoryId integer category-id categoryid This id can be used to select a specific category to include when calling the Criminal API method
CategoryName integer name name This name can be used to select a specific category to include when calling the Criminal API method
CrimeAgainst array of enumeration crime-against crimeagainst An array of one or more values:
  • Community
  • JusticeSystem
  • Person
  • Property
  • Society
  • Unknown
TrainingCount integer train-count traincount The number of distinct, trained corpus charges that have been classified
Status enumeration see Comments status status The status of this category. One of the following values:
  • Stopped
  • Building
  • Ready
  • Faulted
TrainingStart Date/Time training-started trainingstarted The time the model training for this category started
TrainingFinish Date/Time training-finished trainingfinished The time the model training for this category finished
Statistics object see Comments statistics statistics This object is the category's statistics as calculated by the last training run. The following statistics are included:
  • macro accuracy
  • micro accuracy
  • log loss
  • log loss reduction
All statistics are represented as percentages to 4 decimal places


The list of text strings to be trained and incorporated into the machine learning model.

XML Example
        <charge>Drunk in public</charge>
        <charge>Panhandling without a license</charge>
        <charge>Hunting game out of season</charge>
JSON Example
        "charges": [
        "Drunk in public",
        "Panhandling without a license",
        "Hunting game out of season"
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
Charges Array of string charges charges The array is unbounded but the amount of charges that will be accepted for processing is based on the number of requests performed in a 30 day period.


The response returned back to the caller when calling TrainingRequest

XML Example
        <charge-text>Drunk in public</charge-text>
        <charge-text>Panhandling without a license</charge-text>
        <charge-text>Hunting game out of season</charge-text>
JSON Example
        "items": [
        "status": "AlreadyQueued",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-05T08:29:33.1158903-05:00",
        "chargetext": "Drunk in public"
        "status": "Accepted",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-05T08:29:33.1158903-05:00",
        "chargetext": "Panhandling without a license"
        "status": "OverLimit",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-05T08:29:33.1158903-05:00",
        "chargetext": "Hunting game out of season"
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
Items Array of TrainingItem items items For each item submitted in a TrainingRequest, the caller will receive one TrainingItem back in this array


The object that is returned to the caller as response to a TrainingRequest. This informs the user about the status of the training request item(s).

XML Example
        <charge-text>Drunk in public</charge-text>
JSON Example
        "status": "Accepted",
        "timestamp": "2020-03-05T08:29:33.1158903-05:00",
        "chargetext": "Panhandling without a license"
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
Status enumeration see Comments status status Informs the caller about the status of the training request item. One of the following values:
  • Accepted - The item is accepted for training and will be trained at a later time
  • AlreadyQueued - The item is already pending in the training queue.
  • OverLimit - There are no free training requests available for the caller's account
Timestamp Date/Time timestamp timestamp The time when the training item was responded to by the system
ChargeText string charge-text chargetext The is the echo of the text submitted for training in the TrainingRequest


This object is the caller request to classify a term.

XML Example
        <source-text>Failure to yield - accident</source-text>
JSON Example
        "sourcetext": "Failure to yield - accident",
        "clientreference": "558886868",
        "requiredconfidence": 0.9,
        "options": {
        "customstopwords": [
        "categoriestoevaluate": null,
        "crimeagainst": null
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
SourceText string source-text sourcetext This is the term to be classified. Cannot be null or empty
ClientReference string client-reference clientreference This is an echo field that can be used to associate a result from the caller's prospective
RequiredConfidence number/decimal required-confidence requiredconfidence The minimum percentage value a category must match to be considered a classification. NOTE: If unset, the confidence level defaults to .95
CategoriesToEvaluate Array of int categories-to-evaluate categoriestoevaluate If you wish to limit the list of categories to be evaulated, you can pass their category-ids here. NOTE: See the CategoryInfo method to find these ID values. If not provided, the classifier will apply ALL categories
CrimeAgainst Array of enumeration crime-against crimeagainst If you wish to limit the list of categories to be evaulated to a specific crime victim (EX: 'property' or 'person'), you can pass in a list of victims to be evaluated. NOTE: See the CategoryInfo method to find these enumeration values. If not provided, the classifier will apply ALL crime victims.
Options object see ClassifierOptions options options This object contains any options available when requesting a classification.


Additional parameters to pass to a Classifier Request

XML Example
JSON Example
        "customstopwords": [
Field Name Type Required XML Name JSON Name Comments
CustomStopWords Array of string stop-words customstopwords You can add additional stop words to be evaulated when submitting a classification. This will ADD to the stop word list. NOTE: See the GetStopWords method to find current stop words being used by the classifier. If not provided, the classifier will apply the default stop word list.

Downloads and Samples

You can use the examples below to see complete requests and responses for many of the service methods.
NOTE: You will need to call RequestJWTToken to obtain a valid JSON Web Token and then attach it to your request's Authentication Bearer header for the API example calls to succeed.

File name Format Description
Classification Request Fiddler HTTP Request This file is a raw http request to the 'Criminal' classification method
Classification Response JSON The JSON results of a call to the 'Criminal' method
JWT Request Fiddler HTTP Request 'RequestJWTToken' method call request
CategoryInfo Response XML Example 'CategoryStatistics' object returned as method call response